A Lesson on Injuries.

After my monster effort on Sunday, I didn’t realise until after the adrenaline had worn off, after I got home, that something in my left foot didn’t feel right.

I went to the doctor this morning and it turns out I’ve got some soft tissue damage, which, if it doesn’t heal in the next couple of days, I need to get scanned to make sure it’s not a stress fracture; which I am hoping, praying that it’s not.

Regardless, I’m out for four weeks. Which means I will miss running the Melbourne Marathon Half Marathon, which absolutely devastates me. I’ve been on the verge of tears since yesterday, but it’s been a valuable lesson for me, in I need to learn to a) listen to professionals about running shoes, b) listen to my body more, c) train harder.

It is very likely that this injury is the result of running in the wrong shoes, and that is something I will never make the mistake of doing again. I think it’s so important as a runner to take note of what professionals are saying, because they know better, and I am just a beginner.

While I am incredibly sad that I’m going to miss out on Melbourne, and the idea of also missing Summer Starter, I’m just going to take it in my stride, and make it make me better. I’m going to give my foot it’s time to heal, and start focussing on making myself stronger in other ways. Gym sessions now mean the chance to get off my feet and strengthen my arms and core, and later down the track rehabilitation runs mean working more on my stride and form.

This is just one (and the first) hiccup in an otherwise pretty flawless running journey, and I guess it had to happen eventually.

Thanks to everyone for their kind words, it means a lot.

I’ll be back on the road in no time.

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